Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Recipe: Butternut Squash "Pancakes"

This is a recipe that I scored from Maangchi which is a wonderful Korean food blog.  A family friend had cooked us loads of Korean food to take home, and I wanted to add a little more veggie to the mix since most of the food was either a grain or protein.  I made a couple of modifications to suit to my family's taste, but it turned out wonderfully!

This is such an easy recipe that the whole family will enjoy....from toddlers to grown ups.  I recommend using a skillet for this.....I find that the skillet cooks these "pancakes" much better than stainless steel or other forms of cookware.  Plus, cooking with cast iron skillets is a simple way to add iron to our diets!

Butternut Squash "Pancakes"
(adapted from Maangchi)

1 small butternut squash (peeled and inside seeds/strings scooped out)
1/4 teaspoon of salt
3-4 tablespoons of whole wheat flour
Canola oil for cooking

1.  Do a thin julienne cut to the butternut squash (in about 2-3 inch long pieces) or use the shredder option on the food processor.  Don't use a hand grater because it will grate too thin.  I used the food processor method, because I was pressed for time.  However, you will get a crispier pancake if you hand julienne.
2.  Put the butternut squash shreds in a large bowl and sprinkle it with the salt.  Mix the salt into the squash and allow to sit for 20 minutes.
3.  Add the flour to the shredded squash, and mix to ensure that all of the shreds are coated with the flour.
4.  Heat a cast iron skillet and 1/2 of a tablespoon of oil on medium heat.  Spoon 1 cup of the butternut squash shreds into the skillet and spread into a thin layer.  Cook on one side until golden brown.
5.  Flip the "pancake" over and press firmly with the back of a spatula.  Cook on this side until golden brown.
6.  Repeat these steps until all of the squash is cooked.
7.  Serve as a side dish.

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