Friday, February 17, 2012

Mommy Money Saving Tip: Drop In Care Centers

This is a recent discovery of mine, but drop in care centers are amazing!!  To back up a little, I recently got a job in order to supplement some of our current income.  We're wanting to buy a house, so I searched diligently to find something that would allow me to bring in income without sacrificing Liam's care.  Well...I was able to find a job that allowed me to put Liam in another person's care for only 3 hours per day and only 4 days per week.  The dilemma that came up, however, was finding affordable child care that was also good. 

What I found was a play center that also provides drop in care for up to 4 hours per day.  At $9 per hour, it was already a steal.  However, they provide bulk pricing for $7 per hour (buying a bulk amount of hours with a minimum of 8 hours), and they provide monthly pricing that goes down to $5 per hour.  Plus, there's no registration fee!  You can't find those prices at many places these days.....and if you do, many times the care is questionable.

The best part of all of this is that Liam loved the place and the facility was clean with friendly staff members.  Drop in care is similar to day care without the day care prices or the commitment.  If you're looking for regular part time child care or just need someone to watch your kids while you run errands, look up drop in care centers in your area.

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