Friday, February 24, 2012

Mommy Money Saving Tip: Pack Your Lunch

Seems like common sense, huh?  The problem is, that in a country that is so focused on doing things quickly, we tend to go for the "fast food" options in order to save time.  I remember working in the office and seeing people purchase their lunch every day of the week.  Then, I would hear that they were having difficulty with paying their bills.  I truly believe that they could have cut their lunch expenses in half or better if they would have just brought a sack lunch.

Think about it. In today's economy, a cheap lunch would probably run you an average of $5....and that's being modest.  If you eat out 5 days per week, you end up spending $25 that week just for lunch.  At the end of the month, you'll have spent anywhere from $100 to $115 just on eating out.  That number only accounts for lunches during the week.

On top of saving money, you'll probably get healthier as well.....given that you don't replace fast food meals with oven ready processed meals.  The food you make at home will probably have far fewer processed ingredients and much less sodium.  Plus, you can up the intake of fruits and veggies since you're in control of what goes in that sack lunch.

So if you're feeling a little pinch in the wallet, try substituting your purchased lunch with a wholesome homemade sack lunch.

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