Thursday, January 26, 2012

Recipe: Squash Gnocchi

I know I've been posting a good number of squash recipes, but my local grocery store has been having rotating sales on all of the winter squash varieties.  At $0.79/pound, I couldn't resist picking up another kabocha squash to experiment with.....and I decided to experiment with kabocha squash gnocchi!

I love a good classic white potato gnocchi, but I try not to make it too often since it really doesn't pack a nutritional punch.  I've been trying various versions of gnocchi including sweet potato and squash.  I figured, if I can make a butternut squash gnocchi, then I can make gnocchi with kabocha squash.

Kabocha squash has a slightly different texture from butternut squash or pumpkin.  After roasting it in the oven, I found that the texture is actually similar to that of a white potato.  Once I noticed that, I just knew that it would be perfect for gnocchi.  If you decide that you want to use butternut squash instead, you'll need to add a little more flour since it tends to be moister than the kabocha.

This gnocchi can be served with a variety of sauces including marinara, brown butter, and balsamic reduction.  Tonight, we decided to go the balsamic reduction route.  Although balsamic vinegar can be expensive, you use very little of a little can go a long flavor and finances.

Squash Gnocchi

1 small cooked kabocha squash (about 2 cups/skin removed)
1 cup of flour and more for kneading/rolling
2 egg yolks
1/2 teaspoon of kosher salt
1 tablespoon of kosher salt for boiling

-  Mash the squash or put through a ricer.
-  Add the egg yolks, salt, and flour.  Mix until completely combined.  You may need to use your hands here to make sure it's all combined.
-  Knead the dough for about 3-4 minutes or until it feels dry when you touch it.
-  Divide the dough into 2 equal pieces.
-  Roll each piece into a long "rope" that is about an inch in diameter.  Cut the "rope" in 1 inch pieces.  You can leave the gnocchi in this shape or use a fork and your finger to give it a more traditional gnocchi appearance.
-  Bring a large pot of water to boil and add 1 tablespoon of salt.  Add the gnocchi pieces and boil until they float to the top.
-  Remove the gnocchi from the water.  Serve this with the sauce of you choice.

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