Monday, January 30, 2012

Mommy Money Saving Tip: Check Out Your Local Library

Most weeks, it seems like I can't find enough time to fit in everything that's going on....but occasionally, I'll notice that we don't have much to do when it comes to play dates or other fun activities for Liam.  On those weeks, I usually exhaust the park since Liam loves the outdoors.  However, there are times when I just want to change things up.  There are also times when the weather just won't permit outdoor play.  When that happens, I check out the local library.

Before Liam, I didn't even know that the library had anything but books.  Boy, was I wrong!  Your local library is a great place to find fun (and free) activities for your little ones.  Libraries usually have repeating events like story time, puppet shows, or craft days for children of various ages.  How do you find out if your library does this and on what days/times?  You can call them or go online to their website.  There's usually an event calendar that will tell you exactly what is going on, what age the event is appropriate for, and when this event will happen.

So if you ever find yourself getting cabin fever with your little one, explore this convenient and budget friendly resource.......your local library!     

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