Monday, January 9, 2012

Mommy Money Saving Tip: Don't Buy New....Buy Used! I know that there are some things you just shouldn't buy used like underwear, but there are many other items that are perfectly acceptable used.  I used to be the type of girl who needed everything....and I mean be brand new.  That was pre-living on one income, so the thought of buying used never really crossed my mind.

Post-living on one income, I discovered the awesomeness of buying certain things used.  In my opinion, the best items to buy used are books and baby/toddler clothing.  Why?  Well...because books are fine used as long as they are still in good condition and babies/toddlers grow out of clothing very quickly. 

For books, I love using eBay and buying large lots of children's books for very low prices.  There's a huge selection of books to choose from and many reputable sellers with great ratings. 

For clothing, I find that children's consignment shops are the best!  You can get name brand clothing that is gently used.....and sometimes brand spankin' new!  If you've ever gone shopping for children's clothes, you know how expensive they can get.  The prices are unreal when you think about how long these little ones are going to fit in them.  However, buying clothing at consignment shops can save you a large percentage off of the retail price....and you can't tell that it's used when you go to a quality consignment shop.

So the next time you're out and about shopping for your little ones, consider buying used instead of new.  You may end up saving enough money to buy something special for yourself!

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