Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mommy Money Saving Tip: Mom's Groups

With the long list of Christmas gifts to buy, food to prepare, and visits to make, money seems to be flowing out of our bank like water through a sieve.  However, that does not mean that Liam and I will just sit in the house cooped up until the holiday season is over.  I'm a firm believer that, as a stay at home parent, it is my duty to keep Liam socialized and active.....and I found one of the best ways to do's groups!

The idea of meeting up with a group of people that you have never met before can be somewhat intimidating, but it really is a wonderful thing.  I started doing the mom's group thing when we were living in Stockbridge and found new groups after we moved.  Usually, the moms are super welcoming and just want to do what you want to do....keep their kids socialized and active while being able to make new friends who are in the same place as you.

Aside from being a great place to meet new people, it is usually the most affordable as well.  Many times, you will find play dates at people's homes or at places that are free like the park.  The moms also seem to know about all the great deals and events around town like free admission days at kid friendly venues and story times at the library or bookstore.  If you're living on a budget, the mom's groups are a wonderful way to keep your family active!

I remember the first time I showed up to a mom's group meeting.  It was scary.  All I could imagine was being an outsider in a group of people who all knew each other, but what actually happened was completely the opposite.  People were welcoming and made a point to ensure that you didn't feel left out.  I highly recommend joining a mom's group especially if you don't have a lot of friends with children.

If you decide that this is something you're interested in, try Meetup.  It's a great place to find many of the local mom's groups and other groups you may find interesting.

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