Saturday, December 10, 2011

Mommy Money Saving Tip: Getting Pics with Santa

Before I had Liam, I found myself with pangs of pity for those parents who had to stand in the very long Santa lines at the mall.  The wait was long, prices were downright ridiculous, and younger kids were usually having meltdowns while in the line.  With all this in mind, I was a little nervous about how we were going to fit Santa in our already tight Christmas budget and how we were going to pull off a long wait in line with a very active and impatient 1 1/2 year old.

If there is a will....there is a way!  The Internet is a wonderful way to find free events around town.  I was perusing the web when I came across a free (yes....I said!) breakfast with Santa and Mrs. Claus event sponsored by the Adult Activity Center.  As I continued researching, I realized that these free events are available all around Georgia for residents of the city or county.  For the one we went to, the lines were considerably shorter than the ones at the malls and the pictures were free.  You just had to bring your own camera, and it was encouraged (but not required) to bring an unwrapped toy for donation.  Plus, you got a free light breakfast for the entire family.  Even though Liam had a mini meltdown after we put him on Santa's lap, it was still a great, you can't beat free in my opinion (well....close to free after our small toy donation)!

Next week, we'll be visiting the Bass Pro Shop in order to get a free professional quality photograph with Santa for our memory books.  Look for that post next week for more ways to get the Santa experience without spending a ton of money.

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