Thursday, December 8, 2011

A little introduction....

As the blog introduction states, my name is Patti, and I am wife to a hard working and dedicated man, Eric, and stay at home mom to one beautiful and outrageously funny toddler boy, Liam.  You've probably heard this from many parents before (some who may be fudging the truth just a bit!), but I abolutely love being a mommy.  It probably doesn't hurt that I have a pretty easy going baby who makes parenthood a much smoother process.  In order to continue with my introduction, I'll need to give you a background of how I got here.

Before I found out I was pregnant, I was working as a social worker while pursuing a Master's degree in early childhood education.  We were making enough money to enjoy life, but we made some very critical mistakes regarding our finances.  We ate out at gourmet restaurants frequently, shopped for new clothes every weekend, and never had a set budget.  This lifestyle led us to the place where many Americans find themselves debt.  Our credit debt was enormous!  Despite this, Eric and I still thought it would be best for me to quit both work and school in order to stay at home once Liam arrived.  However, we knew that things would have to change drastically in order for this to become a reality.

Things did change after Liam was born.  I learned how to set a budget and stick with it.  I discovered that there was a world of information out there for those who were hungry for it.  I found out that there are many things in life that really are free or close to it.  It wasn't an overnight process, but I got there eventually!

Today, we are steadily paying off our debt while maintaining a comfortable lifestyle.  What do I mean by "a comfortable lifestyle"?  Well for me, I am able to feed my child nutritious foods, my son and I are able to go out to a variety of places or do fun activities throughout the week, my husband and I are able to take a nice monthly date to reconnect, and we are still able to make headway on our debt.

I started this blog to allow other mothers to gain the knowledge that I was so graciously given by others.  The bulk of this blog will contain tips for saving money, recipes that are nutritious but wallet-friendly, cheap and easy crafts/activities for kids, and information on how to keep an active social life for the entire family without breaking the wallet.

Happy Reading!

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