Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Toddler Fun: Cardboard Box Activity

It has been a very long time since I posted last.  Frankly, I almost gave up on this blog due to limited readers, but I decided that blogging simply for the intrinsic reward is good enough for me!

There are so many different pre-made activities that you can buy in the store to entertain your toddler.  However, I found that buying all of those things can really add up.  The best thing about toddlers is that they are super easy to please as long as they're having fun!

Here's an inexpensive way to turn a cardboard box into a play center.  I just used a box that we used recently for moving and toys that I had stored for next week's toy rotation.  If you use toys that your little one has not seen in a while, it will make the activity much more appealing.

Cardboard box
Toys, small books, and other toddler safe items

1.  Cut out different shapes (circle, square, rectangle, triangle) in different places on the box.  Make sure that the holes are big enough for your toddler's hand/arm.  Also, try varying sizes of shapes to make the activity a little more challenging for your toddler.  He or she will figure out that certain items will not fit in some of the holes allowing the use of problem solving in order to get that pesky toy out!

2.  Place toys and items of varying shapes, sizes, and textures inside the box.

3.  Model how to pull the items out of the box and allow your toddler to explore.

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