Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mommy Money Making Tip: Sell, Sell, Sell!

If you're anything like me, you usually have something stored in the closet that you don't use anymore.  I don't know how many times I've convinced myself, "I'll probably need that later."  I repeat that line in my head over and over only to find that I end up never using it.

Before my family and I downsized to a smaller living area, I used to have ridiculous amounts of items in storage.  After being forced to reduce our storage items, I realized that, most of those things that I thought I needed, I really didn't need.....or even want after they were gone.  We had 2 large yard sales and were able to add a good chunk of cash to our income.

On top of yard sales, you can sell items back to various businesses such as consignment stores.  Every season, I take the items that Liam can no longer use and sell them to the local children's consignment stores.  I use that money to add to our savings.  Now, don't think that I just get rid of everything that Liam has outgrown.  I have kept a select number of his clothes (the ones that have strong personal value) that I will later turn into a clothing quilt.  That way the clothing will still be able to be used without just sitting in a dark space in the closet or attic.

When it comes to storing items, be selective.  Ask yourself if you're truly going to need this later.  There are many items that lose their value as time passes, stop working if not being used, or end up becoming completely outdated like clothing or a computer.  If you sell these items before they lose their value, you can actually make money off of something you may end up throwing away many years later.  Also, be honest with yourself.  Are you really going to need this or are you holding on to the memory?  It's fine to keep things that are near and dear to your heart, but things become a little overwhelming when most things can have a emotional value placed on them.  If you find that almost everything is hard to let go, give yourself a maximum number of items you can keep and stick with that limit.  Sell the rest to give you and your family some extra money to make new memories....like that family vacation you've always dreamed of.

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